The historical versus modern carbon footprint of animal agriculture ( Judith Capper Dec. 2014 )
carbonfootprint.pdf Published: 28/06/2015 -
The Dairy Industry in Israel - Overview 2012- IDB / ICBA ( 2Mb.)
2012.pdf Published: 09.02.2012 -
Use of pomegranate peels for improving milk production and quality in dairy cows.
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An innovative inside carousel for milking cows
insidecaroussel.pdf Published: 20/11/2014 -
Vrijloop stallen in de praktijk Sept. 2014 ( DUTCH )
VrijloopstallenpraktijkSept.2014.pdf Published: 02/11/2014 -
The Nesting Index - by the Dairyland Iniative
Nesting.pdf Published: 03/12/2013 -
Cultivated bedding in loose housing sheds
articlehollandfinal.pdf Published: 10/07/2013 -
Presentation at the Oxford Farming Conference
video clip of lecture Published: Januray 2013 -
Prospects for bedded pack barns for dairy cattle
prospects.pdf Published: 13/12/2011 -
Israeli likes coddled cows Innovative Dairy Forum
articleDairymanBusselton.pdf Published: 3 March 2011 -
seen Eurotier Hannover ( Hebrew )
ראינובתערוכה.pdf Published: 02/11/2010 -
New concepts for cow sheds ( Hebrew )
אחריהסככההמרחבית.pdf Published: Februar 2011 -
Design of dairy farms world wide ( Hebrew )
תכנוןרפתותבעולם.pdf Published: August 2010 -
Anders groeien - WUR Livestock Reseach rapport 400 - ( Dutch)
AndersGroeienIsrael.pdf Published: 2010