the Loewen Welding HoneyVac vacuum cleaner for dairy farms

it vacuums both dry and wet manure
No more endless moving around of muck, slotted floors and problematic & even dangerous manure storages under the sheds. With this vacuum cleaner, the manure is scraped and sucked into a closed tanker, leaving a completely clean surface.
The manure can be transported from the tanker to storage lagoons or treatment systems, and then used as spread over compost windrows, spread as a fresh manure fertilizer over fields. Spreading over windrows compost is another option.
Spreading the manure in a greenhouse enables the operator to dry it so it can be stored as a solid material. Less volume to store, less problematic for transportation and spreading on the fields.
A quite unconventional application is the use of the HoneyVac as fire extinguisher. Just fill it with water, change some valves and ready to fight any fire around.
The HoneyVac is manufactured by LoewenWelding & Mfg. Ltd. Matsqui, B.C. Canada.