Prospects for bedded pack barns for dairy cattle
July 2011
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content 1
Since late 2006, we have been working with Mr. Paul Galama and a group of Dutch farmers, to search for alternatives to the free stall barn that will improve animal welfare, will reduce environmental impacts and will be cost effective.
Recently this book was published by Wageningen UR Livestock Research, and is the summary of the work of this group and overview of the Loose Housing cow sheds which have been build since in Holland.
The list of content shows the what you will find in these 70 pages : Preface & Introduction, Experiences from abroad, Prospects for the bedded pack barn in the Netherlands, Experiences experimental farms, Experiences practical farms, livestock house design, reflection on innovation process, discussion, conclusions, references.
This book is published by Wageningen UR Livestock Research
Originally it was published in Dutch "Perspectief vrijloopstallen melkvee" and translated & published in English and soon also in German.
ISBN-number : 978-94-6173-069-5
can be ordered at